Friday, April 5, 2013

Another year gone another bloody clot!! (Mind the pun)

So it's been quite a while since I have posted on this blog, in Fact it's actually been about 14 months!!
Starting from where I left off from last year I finished that next course and my blood finally got to its goal of INR 2-3
I had to have weekly blood tests for 6 months to make sure it was at its optimum level and as it went up and down so did the warfarin!
In September of last year I had my follow up contrast ct scan and the clot had almost disappeared so I came off the warfarin in October 😆
I then decided to do something about my weighty issue again and commenced light and easy, the loss was gradual but after 3 1/2 weeks I was down almost 10kg
But as is usually the way when I go to do something good for myself murphy has to come along and throw a spanner in the works, this time it was by way of sciatica!

I don't think I've mentioned it previously but early 2009 i had a pretty nasty stack whilst holding my 15 mth old, i was suffering severe constant pain and after many months of investigation it was only after seeing a neurosurgeon and having a MRI that they found the disc between L5-S1 was shattered and almost entirely cutting off my sciatic nerve.
On the Tuesday after the June long weekend I waddled into surgery only to wake up completely pain free (except for the incision however this was but a drop in the ocean compared to what I was previously in)

Back to the now (well November) I felt that same pain again (OMG) and having been through it before I self diagnosed, booked to see my same neurosurgeon, then went to doc and got referral, and begged her to give me a form for MRI, I then begged for pain relief but the stuff she gave me didn't even touch the sides
I got MRI done and results were similar to before in that the same disc had started to bulge/leak again
Fast forward a few weeks and I'm back under the knife again, this time they found a problem with my blood in that my platelets were super low, so I had to have some transfused into be immediately prior and after surgery, it looked like a big bag of puss!! (Gross)
When I came too I couldn't move my right leg/foot/toes
I was sent straight off for another MRI where the doc said it looked like I blew it out again straight after surgery when I had a violent coughing fit after my breathing tube came out!
So 2 days later after a good sleep I woke up with my leg again, to say that was a relief is a complete understatement!!
Now I just had to wait until my body decided it was going to reabsorb the muck and the swelling to go down so that I could once again enjoy a pain free (opiate free) life again!
This finally happened at the start of the new year, yay 2013 without narcotics!!

So with the whole platelet thing the specialist said I have thrombocytopenia which meant my blood isn't able to clot as well as a 'normal' persons blood! HAH!

Hop skip and jump to 2nd April 2013 and I awoke with a swollen left leg and a bit of tightening in my chest
I promptly booked to see doc and once he saw my leg and heard my symptoms he told me to go straight to emergency
I won't go into all of the nitty gritties but long story short, after a stack of tests and scans they found at least one but possibly 3 or 4 pulmonary embolism's in my lungs
It seems I had a deep vein thrombosis in my left leg of which some of the clot broke off, travelled up my vein into my heart, it was then kindly deposited into my lungs where it could no longer travel any further!
So back on the shitty tummy needles and warfarin it is for me!!
This time though it looks like its for the long haul, I now also have to have some heart tests and they are doing some other genetic blood tests to pin point what is causing my blood to act all dopey and stupid!
I don't know that this latest news has quite sunk in yet however when it does in sure it will hit me like a tonne of bricks!!

Oh and the pictures are of my swollen left leg that I took the same morning I went to see the doc!

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